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Pressure Calibration Method for High Pressure Steam Sterilizer
2024-06-14 17:28

High pressure steam sterilizer is a common device that achieves sterilization effect through water vapor under high temperature and pressure. It is mainly divided into two types: portable and vertical high pressure steam sterilizers, and widely used in many fields such as biomedicine and food industry.

 portable autoclave

Pressure calibration method for high pressure steam sterilizer:

1. On-site calibration method

This method is suitable for portable and vertical high-pressure steam sterilizers with small working volumes and manual steam release valves. Usually, high-pressure steam sterilizers are equipped with metal hoses at the tail of the steam release valve to facilitate the reasonable discharge of cold air. Therefore, it only needs to reliably connect the metal hose to the calibration pressure calibrator to ensure air tightness, and then the pressure indicating instrument can be calibrated on-site according to the calibration procedures.

2. Direct comparison method

This method is suitable for high-pressure steam sterilizers equipped with test connectors. Usually it is large, direct steam type. Calibration requires rapid and accurate readings, and the calibration result is determined by averaging multiple readings.

 desktop steam sterilizer

3. Real-time comparison method

This method is applicable to all types of autoclave sterilizers, and the standard device adopts wireless measurement connection. Its installation position is flexible, the operation method is simple, and it is more applicable. In addition, the microcomputer is used as a display and recording device during the calibration process, so the calibration process is intuitive and controllable.

4. Record comparison method

This method is also applicable to all types of autoclaves. In order to make the measurement results reliable, it is often necessary to extend the calibration time, or when the calibration results are not satisfactory, please perform multiple operations to obtain the calibration results.