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About annual inspection of high-pressure steam sterilizer
2024-09-12 10:56

High-pressure steam sterilizer is a device that uses saturated pressure steam to sterilize items quickly and reliably. It is suitable for medical, scientific research, agriculture and other units. High-pressure steam sterilizers are divided into portable high-pressure steam sterilizers, vertical high-pressure steam sterilizers, horizontal high-pressure steam sterilizers, etc. according to style and size.

pressure steam sterilizer 

The high-pressure steam sterilizer consists of a sterilization chamber, a control system, an overpressure protection device, etc. It uses high-temperature saturated water vapor to denature the protein of microorganisms and cause the death of microorganisms within a certain period of time, thereby achieving the purpose of sterilizing moisture-resistant and heat-resistant items. The high-pressure steam sterilizer is inspected once a year. It is  mainly to send the safety valve and pressure gauge to the statutory measurement and testing department for appraisal after one year of use.

 medical steam sterilizer

CAUTION: Do not use an autoclave to sterilize any destructive materials and substances containing alkali metals, as this may cause explosion, corrosion of linings and internal pipes, or damage to gaskets.